Create your first PDF


Time to create the first PDF for your Gravity Form. The PDF Settings is where you control the look and feel of the generated documents, as well as which fields to include in each.

In this lesson, we’ll focus first on the General Tab which contains the required fields to be able to add a new PDF.

  1. On the Form List page, hover over the form name, hover on Settings, and click PDF.
  2. Click Add New and start filling out the settings in the General tab:
    • Name — Give an easily-identifiable name to the PDF. This name is only used internally.
    • Template — Choose the base design for your PDF. There are four free Core templates to choose from and nine paid Universal designs.
    • Notifications — Automatically attach the PDF to Gravity Form Notifications. Match PDFs to the Notifications you setup in Step 1.
    • Filename — Set the PDF filename (merge tags are supported).
  3. Click the Add PDF button to save.

Mark this lesson complete once you’re ready to continue setting up the PDF.